[🐊 sumista] Updates

M.T. Carrasco Benitez mtcarrasco at gmail.com
Sun Feb 25 09:47:37 EST 2024

All updated.

Before sending files, check for latest data as I am adding new data, such as links to authors and/or new fields. For example, 529 to MEI and to the author:


I added the new field "urimei" for the Material Evidence in Incunabula (MEI), this might help with the transcription. At present I am using "search", perhaps not the most appropriate:

Ignore irrelevant fields; as already commented; leave empty or remove unused fields:

Please follow the instructions:

In particular, send files to "master at lagarto.top" with the subject "Data epitome 000" and the filename "eee-yymmdd" (example, 140-240225, no ".txt"), otherwise the program get stuck.


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